CertPREP Training Labs: Microsoft Exam AZ-104 (90-day license)

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To support the Microsoft Azure role-based certification and training courses, Pearson CertPREP has launched a dedicated collection of Labs to support Azure Administrators who manage cloud services that span storage, security, networking, and compute cloud capabilities. Each lab within the Microsoft Azure Administrator Collection is short in duration, scenario based, hands-on activity that includes a means of assessment. This collection is comprised of 60 labs and contains over 34 hours of hands-on practice and supports the Microsoft Exam AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator competencies.

A total of 3 attempts to complete each lab exercise

Multiple levels: Guided, Advanced & Expert

Access to the lab delivery platform starting upon your first lab launch:

  • Collection (Exam Level) – 90 days
  • Library (Technology Level) – 180 days
  • All Access (All labs) – 365 days

The listing below shows which lab(s) within this collection support the Microsoft AZ-104: Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam competencies. *Note: A Lab may support more than one competency.

Manage Azure Identities and Governance (15-20%)

Deploy a VM with DSC Extension Using ARM Template [Guided] (AIS-008)
Can You Automate and Monitor VMs Using Extensions and Azure Monitor? [Advanced] (AIS-009)
Can You Deploy a Web App with Database Authentication using Azure AD? [Expert] (HCS-011)
Configure Custom DNS Zone for Private Domain [Guided] (IaaS AD-007)

Implement and Manage Storage (10-15%)

Configure a Virtual Network Service Endpoint [Guided] (ANS-005)
Can You Manage a Serverless Compute Environment? [Advanced] (CSAA-003)
Provision an Azure Storage Table [Guided] (CSAA-007)
Provision an Azure Storage Queue [Guided] (CSAA-008)
Can You Manage PaaS Storage Services to Support an Application? [Advanced] (CSAA-009)
Can You Manage Platform Services for a Custom Application? [Expert] (CSAA-010)
Getting Started with Cloud Slice Storage [Getting Started] (CSST-000)
Configure Blob Storage with Public Access [Guided] (CSST-001)
Configure Blob Storage with Private Access [Guided] (CSST-002)
Can You Provision Public and Private Blob Storage for a Web App? [Advanced] (CSST-003)
Provision an Azure SQL Server Database [Guided] (CSST-004)
Provision an Azure Database for MySQL Database [Guided] (CSST-005)
Can you Provision Relational Databases for a Web App? [Advanced] (CSST-006)
Provision an Azure Cosmos DB [Guided] (CSST-007)
Provision an Azure Search Service [Guided] (CSST-008)
Monitor ARM VMs [Guided] (HCARM-005)

Deploy and Manage Azure Compute Resources (25-30%)

Getting Started with Azure Automation [Getting Started] (AA-000)
Manage an Azure VM Using Cloud Shell [Guided] (AA-001)
Deploy an Azure VM Using PowerShell [Guided] (AA-002)
Can You Enable and Configure Just-In-Time VM Access in Security Center? [Advanced] (AA-003)
Can You Execute a Runbook Against a Hybrid Runbook Worker? [Advanced] (AA-006)
Monitor and Resolve Security Issues Using Security Center [Guided] (AA-007)
Change the Size of an Azure VM Using PowerShell [Guided] (AA-008)
Can You Enable Disk Encryption Using BitLocker and Key Vault? [Advanced] (AA-009)
Can You Provision Update Management for On-Premises Systems? [Expert] (AA-010)
Getting Started with Azure Infrastructure Solutions [Getting Started] (AIS-000)
Create Linux VMs in an Availability Set [Guided] (AIS-001)
Create and Manage a VM Scale Set [Guided] (AIS-002)
Can You Design and Implement ARM VM Storage? [Advanced] (HCARM-006)
Can You Deploy Hybrid Cloud Azure Solutions Using ARM Templates? [Expert] (HCARM-010)
Getting Started with Hybrid Cloud Solutions [Getting Started] (HCS-000)
Provision an Azure VM with SQL Server [Guided] (HCS-004)
Enable High Availability Using Availability Sets [Guided] (HCS-005)
Can You Deploy Azure VMs for Multi-Tier Apps? [Advanced] (HCS-007)

Configure and Manage Virtual Networking (30-35%)

Work with Managed Disk Snapshots [Guided] (AIS-003)
Can You Configure High Availability and Scale for Azure VMs? [Advanced] (AIS-004)
Configure Near Real-time Metric Alerts [Guided] (AIS-005)
Configure a VM Using a Custom Script Extension [Guided] (AIS-006)
Configure a VM Using a PowerShell DSC Extension [Guided] (AIS-007)
Getting Started with Azure Network Security [Getting Started] (ANS-000)
Configure a Network Security Group in a Virtual Network [Guided] (ANS-001)
Configure Route Tables in a Virtual Network [Guided] (ANS-002)
Configure Global VNet Peering [Guided] (ANS-003)
Can You Implement Azure VM Network Security? [Advanced] (ANS-004)
Configure Virtual Networks [Guided] (HCS-006)
Deploy Resources Using ARM Templates [Guided] (HCS-008)
Enable Azure VM Scale Sets for High Availability and Scalability [Guided] (HCS-009)
Can You Deploy Scalable Azure Solutions Using ARM Templates? [Advanced] (HCS-010)

Monitor and Back Up Azure Resources (10-15%)

Deploy Workloads on Azure Resource Manager Virtual Machines [Guided] (HCARM-004)
Configure RBAC Access for VM Contributor [Guided] (Iaas AD-010)